Ryan Hernandez, PhD
Dr. Ryan Hernandez co-leads the Torgerson-Hernandez Lab (THeLab) along with Dr. Dara Torgerson at UCSF. THeLab is a highly collaborative group that uses machine learning and artificial intelligence to unravel the complex interplay of how genes and the environment contribute to complex traits across the continuum of human populations. Our work is centered on the importance of involving diverse populations, empowering us to pave the way toward innovative, equitable advancements in human health.
Dr. Hernandez also serves as:
(1) Co-Lead of UCSF's Advancing the Research Careers of Historically Excluded Scholars (ARCHES) Program, an initiative focused on supporting and advancing the career development of historically excluded research faculty, where he focuses on the development of community and scientific networks.
(2) Co-Director of the Biological and Medical Informatics (BMI) graduate program
(3) Co-Director of the Post-baccalaureate Research Opportunities to Promote Equity in Learning (PROPEL) and NIH-funded Post-baccalaureate Research Education Program (PREP).
(4) Director of the Genentech-UCSF School of Pharmacy PhD Student Diversity Fellowship Program.